Tuesday, August 30, 2005

PA Series Points Updated!!!

After weeks of anticipation the overall points for the PA State Harescramble Series have been updated and it appears that my guesstamate seems to be correct. After finishing the first half of the season up strong I have taken over the 2nd place slot. I have a total of 40 points, which puts me 28pts behind the leader and 9pts ahead of third place. Prior to the end of the first half of the season I knew that the points leader was way out in front. My intentions for the second half were to distance myself from the third place rider and try to hold on to 2nd for the overall. I now would like to say that after a great summer break and a first place finish at a National Harescramble I am going to try my best and give the points leader a run for his money, show him a tire, so to speak. The next two months are going to be extremely hard and I hope that my bike and myself hold up. With 8 races in 8 straight weekends, and traveling all over Pennsylvania and parts of New York, the second half of the season is going to be a great test of endurance on the rider, bike, and gas money. I anticipate seeing my friends and family that are going to come out and see what it is that I have been working so hard for. See you at the races… Here’s to an even better second half of the season!

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