Sunday, February 13, 2005

Hard to Explain...

I often try to explain to people who don't ride dirtbikes why I love riding as much as I do, and like always, I just cannot seem to feel satisfied about the way people still perceive the sport. Here are a couple paragraphs from a recent article that was published in the current Dirt Rider magazine by a guy named Bryan Nyland. In some way I don't feel as offended since there are other people out there who feel the frustration of trying to explain something that only another motocrosser would ever understand.

"Trying to explain to my nonriding friends what makes dirtbiking so addictive is always a challenge. Most of them have a hard time comprehending why I and all the other 'crazy people' enjoy a 'risk' sport that drains our wallet. Get two riders together, though, and the conversation is far different. And despite the risk involved in more-mainstream sports such as the oh-so-gentle football, the general public still thinks we are absolutely out of our skulls to hop on a high-performance machine and tempt fate. But it sure is fun!
Attempting to defend my right to enjoy this madcap activity as a way of remaining physically fit or simply enjoying nature is an even-tougher challenge. Thanks to the insatiable appetite of thrill seekers living vicariously from their barstools or living-room couches, about the only part of the sport most see is a supercross crash video, a televised freestyle competition or SX race or, heaven forbid, a typical Glamis tape. Sadly, a good deal of the joy from a day at the track or on the trail is hidden. Never mind that riding is a great way to release stress."


Anonymous said...

Dennis, you must be the dorkiest guy i know :) Rock on my bike riding friend!

Anonymous said...

Hey Den...great to hear from you. I am happy you found something you are really into with this racing. You are pretty good at it I am sure. I would love to see one of your races. Can't wait to see you. Maybe you can visit me in NYC sometime. DoMiNiCk

Anonymous said...

HEY DEN ... way to go buddy, your website is radical. i can't wait to see some pics. congrats on the sponsors, maybe Kenny and I will come check out a race some time. - Donnie Boy

Anonymous said...

dude where are the pictures? hey remember ricky charmichael lived on first floor hemlock.